This is the new and improved... Charlotte's web News paper article.
In Mr Zuckerman’s barn a MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED
Reporter: “People say a miracle has happened in the barn. People from America, New Zealand, England and China have been going to the barn.
In Mr Zuckerman’s barn a MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED
At Mr Zuckerman’s barn, on the outskirts of Canada, a web has been transformed into a miracle. Lurvy tell us what happened?”
Lurvy: “Well it was a frosty morning at the barn. Wilbur was hungry and something caught Luvry eye. SOME PIG was written in Charlotte's web… then Mr Zuckerman came out to see what all the ruckus was about now People from all over the world have come to see Wilbur.”
At six a.m. a web has turn into a miracle a little pig called Wilbur. Not an ordinary pig he is a special pig. Lurvey was the person who discovered the miracle and Mr (Homer) Zuckerman told a lawyer about the miracle and it turn world wide. What will happen next? Over 1,000 people have visited, Wilbur when people get bored he does a backflip. A runt he was Mr arable was going to chop his head off! But he didn't
Reporter Sebastian T
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